Hello folks... it’s BLOG time again!
What a busy time we’ve been having at number eighteen – it’s hard to know where to begin on filling you in! Let’s head back to April when we had the Royal Wedding Street Party.
number eighteen team successfully planned and orchestrated a fantastic night in celebration of the Royal Wedding. In total we managed to raise £891.00 for Help for Heroes charity, which is absolutely fantastic!!! We had a cracking evening with over 1200 people gracing the High Street of Crickhowell throughout the evening. The BBQ went extremely well, and despite a few heavy drops of rain, which thankfully helped with the table clearing for sitting number two. However, spirits were not dampened and we continued to have one of the most fun evenings Crickhowell has seen for a long long time. We would like to say a huge thanks to all who came down to support such an extraordinary community event – the whole team at number eighteen are hugely appreciative.
After the Street Party, the team longed for a little rest but alas there is no rest for the wicked. It has been full steam ahead for the last few weeks. The brasserie launched the new summer menu a couple of weeks ago, and that is going down a real treat at the moment! We had a full house all weekend, and are already looking to be fully booked this weekend too! This is a fantastic start to the summer and we are all geared up!
Over the past few weeks we have had a few changes in the team here too... Steffan has joined our kitchen team as a new full time chef in the café. We would like to say a huge HELLO and WELCOME to the team! He is very charming and bubbly, and it’s a pleasure to have this new addition.
On the other hand, we will unfortunately be saying GOODBYE to Gemma in the coffee shop. Gemma has worked with us for the past 4 years but has now decided to pursue a career in the literary field, working with Emma at Bookish. So congratulations to Gemma on her new venture... we will all miss you dearly.
Plans for the next few weeks.... it’s number eighteen Ladies Night this coming Thursday 26th May. There are still a couple tables left ladies, so pick up the phone and give us a buzz on 01873 810337 and we’ll squeeze you in! The cocktail bar will be open all night – with 15% off cocktails for all our ladies!
June is shaping up to be a very busy month too... lots of incoming visitors – many of whom are returning holiday-makers who have already booked in at the brasserie. We are really looking forward to seeing their faces again this year, as we celebrate the brasserie’s FIRST Birthday. We may even hold a party.. who knows..?! Watch this space!
So that’s all the news from here folks. We really are very grateful for all the support you show, and cannot wait to see you all in here soon – for coffee and cake... or steak and a beer! www.number-eighteen.com
Big love from all at number eighteen xx
Monday, 23 May 2011
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
April Updates.... Easter Surprises....
Hello everyone...
Finally I’ve found the time to catch up with you all and fill you in on what’s been happening down at number eighteen
Since February, it’s been full steam ahead in the office here @ eighteen. Simone & Marj have been busy working with Steve and several other members of the community to organise the Crickhowell Street Party in honour of the Royal Wedding. In addition to this, Lisa & Gaby have worked tirelessly to come up with a delicious menu to tickle all your taste buds into submission on the night with a great ‘value for money’ offering with full outdoor seating to be provided. The preparations are almost finalised now... we’ve got about 20+ stalls on the night offering everything from local farmhouse produce, to face-painting, to candy fleece... homemade ice-cream stall, an outdoor bar, and best of all.... LIVE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG! We are putting on an evening of entertainment for the whole family to enjoy. From 6pm the evening will kick off with renditions of Crickhowell’s Got Talent... we also have music from local acoustic artist Jim Ramsey... from the Hanky Panky Band... and THE HEEBEE GEEBIES! Why wouldn’t you..? Tickets for Adults are £10 per head for the BBQ, and £5 for children (under 5’s eat for FREE). So grab your diaries folks, and get the date in – Friday 29th April, 6pm til late, in the heart of Crickhowell, the BBQ Street Party for the whole community!
In the meantime, the brasserie has had a really busy month. We hosted local poet Paul Henry earlier in the month for an evening of poetry reading and song. It was unanimously agreed that it was a huge success. Emma & Andrew from Bookish were the instigators, and number eighteen happily agreed to provide the venue. We were delighted to host such an event, and are even more thrilled to announce that we will be doing more in the very near future. So watch this space, we’ve got plenty of Spring/Summer treats ahead.
The café too has had its fair share of events to contend with. Over the past two months the team have worked tirelessly to provide local businesses and organisations with high quality, local, seasonal & fresh buffet food as outside catering for private functions. The return clientele speaks for itself – they must be doing something right..?! In addition to this external catering, the café strategy has been evolving, and we are now making 85% of our own cakes, in house. The response from the consumer has been fantastic, and we are delighted to say that we will be continuing with the same enthusiasm over the coming busy months. Gaby has extended the retail range available in the café too, and in addition to selling our coffee, we are now also selling jams, marmalades, chutneys... hampers of number eighteen goodies (made to order and specification), alcohol, and ‘little black books’. These books offer handy hints and guides to different culinary treats, coffee &tea, wines, cocktails etc. Perfect little something to brighten someone’s day.
Last, but certainly not least... the number eighteen cellar bar has been thriving! Thank you so much to the regular faces that visit to show us their unswerving support of our team. It has taken four months to establish the bar as the place to pop in for a tipple and a chat, but we’ve got there in the end. The bar is steadily growing in popularity, and has taken a great place in rounding off the whole experience at number eighteen. We would like to formally welcome the latest addition to the number eighteen team, Louise. She is our head bar lady, and a keen cocktail maker! Pop in to say hello, she’s always keen for a chinwag.
Well folks, I think that’s all the news for now. With Easter holidays approaching I think we’ll have another busy few weeks ahead of us. Please don’t forget about the Street Party – it promises to be a night to remember. Tickets are available from number eighteen café, bar, brasserie or alternatively from certain high street shops. If you would like to reserve your tickets in advance, call Simone on 01873 811000 for more information.
We look forward to seeing you all down here soon... in the meantime, take care, have fun in the sun, and Happy Spring time! Big love all xxx
Finally I’ve found the time to catch up with you all and fill you in on what’s been happening down at number eighteen
Since February, it’s been full steam ahead in the office here @ eighteen. Simone & Marj have been busy working with Steve and several other members of the community to organise the Crickhowell Street Party in honour of the Royal Wedding. In addition to this, Lisa & Gaby have worked tirelessly to come up with a delicious menu to tickle all your taste buds into submission on the night with a great ‘value for money’ offering with full outdoor seating to be provided. The preparations are almost finalised now... we’ve got about 20+ stalls on the night offering everything from local farmhouse produce, to face-painting, to candy fleece... homemade ice-cream stall, an outdoor bar, and best of all.... LIVE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG! We are putting on an evening of entertainment for the whole family to enjoy. From 6pm the evening will kick off with renditions of Crickhowell’s Got Talent... we also have music from local acoustic artist Jim Ramsey... from the Hanky Panky Band... and THE HEEBEE GEEBIES! Why wouldn’t you..? Tickets for Adults are £10 per head for the BBQ, and £5 for children (under 5’s eat for FREE). So grab your diaries folks, and get the date in – Friday 29th April, 6pm til late, in the heart of Crickhowell, the BBQ Street Party for the whole community!
In the meantime, the brasserie has had a really busy month. We hosted local poet Paul Henry earlier in the month for an evening of poetry reading and song. It was unanimously agreed that it was a huge success. Emma & Andrew from Bookish were the instigators, and number eighteen happily agreed to provide the venue. We were delighted to host such an event, and are even more thrilled to announce that we will be doing more in the very near future. So watch this space, we’ve got plenty of Spring/Summer treats ahead.
The café too has had its fair share of events to contend with. Over the past two months the team have worked tirelessly to provide local businesses and organisations with high quality, local, seasonal & fresh buffet food as outside catering for private functions. The return clientele speaks for itself – they must be doing something right..?! In addition to this external catering, the café strategy has been evolving, and we are now making 85% of our own cakes, in house. The response from the consumer has been fantastic, and we are delighted to say that we will be continuing with the same enthusiasm over the coming busy months. Gaby has extended the retail range available in the café too, and in addition to selling our coffee, we are now also selling jams, marmalades, chutneys... hampers of number eighteen goodies (made to order and specification), alcohol, and ‘little black books’. These books offer handy hints and guides to different culinary treats, coffee &tea, wines, cocktails etc. Perfect little something to brighten someone’s day.
Last, but certainly not least... the number eighteen cellar bar has been thriving! Thank you so much to the regular faces that visit to show us their unswerving support of our team. It has taken four months to establish the bar as the place to pop in for a tipple and a chat, but we’ve got there in the end. The bar is steadily growing in popularity, and has taken a great place in rounding off the whole experience at number eighteen. We would like to formally welcome the latest addition to the number eighteen team, Louise. She is our head bar lady, and a keen cocktail maker! Pop in to say hello, she’s always keen for a chinwag.
Well folks, I think that’s all the news for now. With Easter holidays approaching I think we’ll have another busy few weeks ahead of us. Please don’t forget about the Street Party – it promises to be a night to remember. Tickets are available from number eighteen café, bar, brasserie or alternatively from certain high street shops. If you would like to reserve your tickets in advance, call Simone on 01873 811000 for more information.
We look forward to seeing you all down here soon... in the meantime, take care, have fun in the sun, and Happy Spring time! Big love all xxx
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Happy Spring time...
Hello All….
Sorry it’s taken so long to get this latest post up, but we’ve just been sooooo busy!!! Valentine’s weekend was a corker for us down at number eighteen – the café was booming, and the brasserie & bar were heaving! It happened to be the same weekend that we launched our new Spring menu in the brasserie – which went down a treat. The energy in the place was intense, and the whole team thrived upon the buzz.
Following on from that, we had a great half-term. There were lots of lovely visitors to the area who came to dine with us time and time again… both in the café and the brasserie. It was also great to see the return of some familiar faces – those who haven’t been around since last half-term. We appreciate your dedication, and as always, it was a pleasure to see you.
The Walking Festival has seen a huge influx to Crickhowell which is just fantastic. We are so glad that the weather has been so good for you all too. Why not relax in the evening by joining us in the brasserie for a bite to eat, and a chilled glass of wine?! Failing that, if you need a ‘pick-me-up’ in the morning, why not pop to the café for a delicious coffee to waken those sleepy eyes? The café has now launched its Spring menu 2011 too, so pop in to check it out.
At the end of February, we celebrated the second of our Ladies nights. It was fantastic. We had an almost full house, and lots of smiling ladies leaving at the end of the night. Some of these fabulous ladies even posted a note of thanks on our facebook page – check it out: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Number-18-Cafe-Brasserie/113519302010388
So, we will of course be doing this once again at the end of March – book your tables quickly folks, so you avoid disappointment.
Other events in March – we are running a cultural evening in collaboration with Bookish on March 17th. It will be a poetry evening, with local poet Paul Henry as the guest of honour. The evening will commence at 6pm, with drinks available in our bar. We will hopefully seat the audience by 6.55pm, ready for the reading to being at 7pm. It will consist of two 20 minute readings with a break in the middle, and everybody is welcome to stay for dinner afterwards. It would be a great way to finish the evening off… don’t you think? Get in touch with Emma at Bookish for your tickets for the evening, or contact Marj at number eighteen if you’d like to book a table.
The brasserie has built some great momentum with the new Sunday Lunch which has been in operation since January 2011. We are delighted to see so many of you have come down to support us. It really is a great way to spend Sunday afternoon – and we serve it right up to 4pm… Why wouldn’t you???
I think, for the moment, that’s all the news to report…. We’ve got some plans in place for a few surprises throughout 2011, so watch this space, and keep some room in your diaries – you won’t want to miss out! We hope that you are all well, and seeing the light appear after the gloomy wet Winter. Onwards and upwards to a beautiful Spring.
Give us a call if you just want to say hello… Or to book your table in the restaurant on 01873 810337.
Big love from all at number eighteen x
Sorry it’s taken so long to get this latest post up, but we’ve just been sooooo busy!!! Valentine’s weekend was a corker for us down at number eighteen – the café was booming, and the brasserie & bar were heaving! It happened to be the same weekend that we launched our new Spring menu in the brasserie – which went down a treat. The energy in the place was intense, and the whole team thrived upon the buzz.
Following on from that, we had a great half-term. There were lots of lovely visitors to the area who came to dine with us time and time again… both in the café and the brasserie. It was also great to see the return of some familiar faces – those who haven’t been around since last half-term. We appreciate your dedication, and as always, it was a pleasure to see you.
The Walking Festival has seen a huge influx to Crickhowell which is just fantastic. We are so glad that the weather has been so good for you all too. Why not relax in the evening by joining us in the brasserie for a bite to eat, and a chilled glass of wine?! Failing that, if you need a ‘pick-me-up’ in the morning, why not pop to the café for a delicious coffee to waken those sleepy eyes? The café has now launched its Spring menu 2011 too, so pop in to check it out.
At the end of February, we celebrated the second of our Ladies nights. It was fantastic. We had an almost full house, and lots of smiling ladies leaving at the end of the night. Some of these fabulous ladies even posted a note of thanks on our facebook page – check it out: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Number-18-Cafe-Brasserie/113519302010388
So, we will of course be doing this once again at the end of March – book your tables quickly folks, so you avoid disappointment.
Other events in March – we are running a cultural evening in collaboration with Bookish on March 17th. It will be a poetry evening, with local poet Paul Henry as the guest of honour. The evening will commence at 6pm, with drinks available in our bar. We will hopefully seat the audience by 6.55pm, ready for the reading to being at 7pm. It will consist of two 20 minute readings with a break in the middle, and everybody is welcome to stay for dinner afterwards. It would be a great way to finish the evening off… don’t you think? Get in touch with Emma at Bookish for your tickets for the evening, or contact Marj at number eighteen if you’d like to book a table.
The brasserie has built some great momentum with the new Sunday Lunch which has been in operation since January 2011. We are delighted to see so many of you have come down to support us. It really is a great way to spend Sunday afternoon – and we serve it right up to 4pm… Why wouldn’t you???
I think, for the moment, that’s all the news to report…. We’ve got some plans in place for a few surprises throughout 2011, so watch this space, and keep some room in your diaries – you won’t want to miss out! We hope that you are all well, and seeing the light appear after the gloomy wet Winter. Onwards and upwards to a beautiful Spring.
Give us a call if you just want to say hello… Or to book your table in the restaurant on 01873 810337.
Big love from all at number eighteen x
Monday, 31 January 2011
Ladies Night, Sunday Lunch, Valentine’s Day, Rugby, School Lunch... the list is endless!!!!
Last week at number eighteen saw the beginning of what looks to be a very promising future for ‘Ladies night’ at the brasserie. We had a very busy debut evening for the gals about town... plenty of cocktails were had! Food went down a treat, with lots of return bookings for February 24th – Ladies Night 2. As a result, we have decided to definitely make this a monthly event. So, don’t worry ladies, all is not lost if you missed January’s special night, plenty more to follow. Call us on 01873 810337 to book your table.
For the gents around town.... fear not, we’ve got our thinking caps on and we’re working on a boys night too!!! Keep your eyes peeled for more information. As soon as it’s been finalised, it’ll be posted on here, and on our website – www.number-eighteen.com. It’s going to have to match ladies night – we don’t want either side let down!
Sunday Lunch has also picked up momentum, and this Sunday we almost had a full house. It was great to see families, couples, friends – all pop in for a coffee, and leave with full tummies and plenty of flattering compliments regarding the brasserie performance. Some have even booked to come back next week!!! If you don’t believe us, pop down for yourself to sample the homely deliciousness that is, the number eighteen Sunday lunch. 12noon – 4pm! Even if you don’t fancy having roast dinner, there are plenty other options available – the FULL brasserie menu in fact. So don’t miss out, pop down for a feast!
This week, number eighteen café has launch its new School Lunch campaign. We are hoping that this will satisfy both the hungry mouths of our young townsfolk, but also the pockets of their giving parents. For just £2.50, they have a choice of sandwiches, soup, or pizza/sausage rolls. Made in house at number eighteen, and maintaining the emphasis on fresh, seasonal, and locally sourced, the school lunch is a ‘one to watch’. We even throw in a drink for free.... in these tough economic times, who wouldn’t want that?! Unfortunately parents, this one is just for the kids – a bit of a ‘PGL’ with regard to lunch!
A date for the diaries..... not long left now until Valentine’s Day.... For all you romantics out there, or just if you fancy eating out that weekend, the brasserie is doing a special, limited offer on drinks the WHOLE weekend leading up to (and including) Valentine’s Day. Full a la carte menu available – which I might add is our brand new Spring Menu 2011. But in addition to this tasty new treat in store, number eighteen will pay the VAT on all your drinks! So that means 20% off ALL your drinks for Friday 11th, Saturday 12th, and Monday 14th February. Why wouldn’t you.. pop on down!?
I think that’s all the news for this week. Being a big rugby fan, I would like to emphasise the fact that the internationals are fast approaching – why not pop to number eighteen for a relaxing drink post match this weekend! The bar is cosy, relaxing, and very welcoming – even if commiserations are in store! Fingers crossed, it’ll be celebrations all round! And if you’re hungry, we’re still doing Steak’n’beer night on Fridays, so pop down for a bite to eat, a beer (or glass of wine), and a good post-match de-brief... analysing where it all needs improving!
Hopefully see you soon... the team eagerly awaits your visit! Until next time, big love all xx
For the gents around town.... fear not, we’ve got our thinking caps on and we’re working on a boys night too!!! Keep your eyes peeled for more information. As soon as it’s been finalised, it’ll be posted on here, and on our website – www.number-eighteen.com. It’s going to have to match ladies night – we don’t want either side let down!
Sunday Lunch has also picked up momentum, and this Sunday we almost had a full house. It was great to see families, couples, friends – all pop in for a coffee, and leave with full tummies and plenty of flattering compliments regarding the brasserie performance. Some have even booked to come back next week!!! If you don’t believe us, pop down for yourself to sample the homely deliciousness that is, the number eighteen Sunday lunch. 12noon – 4pm! Even if you don’t fancy having roast dinner, there are plenty other options available – the FULL brasserie menu in fact. So don’t miss out, pop down for a feast!
This week, number eighteen café has launch its new School Lunch campaign. We are hoping that this will satisfy both the hungry mouths of our young townsfolk, but also the pockets of their giving parents. For just £2.50, they have a choice of sandwiches, soup, or pizza/sausage rolls. Made in house at number eighteen, and maintaining the emphasis on fresh, seasonal, and locally sourced, the school lunch is a ‘one to watch’. We even throw in a drink for free.... in these tough economic times, who wouldn’t want that?! Unfortunately parents, this one is just for the kids – a bit of a ‘PGL’ with regard to lunch!
A date for the diaries..... not long left now until Valentine’s Day.... For all you romantics out there, or just if you fancy eating out that weekend, the brasserie is doing a special, limited offer on drinks the WHOLE weekend leading up to (and including) Valentine’s Day. Full a la carte menu available – which I might add is our brand new Spring Menu 2011. But in addition to this tasty new treat in store, number eighteen will pay the VAT on all your drinks! So that means 20% off ALL your drinks for Friday 11th, Saturday 12th, and Monday 14th February. Why wouldn’t you.. pop on down!?
I think that’s all the news for this week. Being a big rugby fan, I would like to emphasise the fact that the internationals are fast approaching – why not pop to number eighteen for a relaxing drink post match this weekend! The bar is cosy, relaxing, and very welcoming – even if commiserations are in store! Fingers crossed, it’ll be celebrations all round! And if you’re hungry, we’re still doing Steak’n’beer night on Fridays, so pop down for a bite to eat, a beer (or glass of wine), and a good post-match de-brief... analysing where it all needs improving!
Hopefully see you soon... the team eagerly awaits your visit! Until next time, big love all xx
Ladies Night, Sunday Lunch, Valentine’s Day, Rugby, School Lunch... the list is endless!!!!
Last week at number eighteen saw the beginning of what looks to be a very promising future for ‘Ladies night’ at the brasserie. We had a very busy debut evening for the gals about town... plenty of cocktails were had! Food went down a treat, with lots of return bookings for February 24th – Ladies Night 2. As a result, we have decided to definitely make this a monthly event. So, don’t worry ladies, all is not lost if you missed January’s special night, plenty more to follow. Call us on 01873 810337 to book your table.
For the gents around town.... fear not, we’ve got our thinking caps on and we’re working on a boys night too!!! Keep your eyes peeled for more information. As soon as it’s been finalised, it’ll be posted on here, and on our website – www.number-eighteen.com. It’s going to have to match ladies night – we don’t want either side let down!
Sunday Lunch has also picked up momentum, and this Sunday we almost had a full house. It was great to see families, couples, friends – all pop in for a coffee, and leave with full tummies and plenty of flattering compliments regarding the brasserie performance. Some have even booked to come back next week!!! If you don’t believe us, pop down for yourself to sample the homely deliciousness that is, the number eighteen Sunday lunch. 12noon – 4pm! Even if you don’t fancy having roast dinner, there are plenty other options available – the FULL brasserie menu in fact. So don’t miss out, pop down for a feast!
This week, number eighteen café has launch its new School Lunch campaign. We are hoping that this will satisfy both the hungry mouths of our young townsfolk, but also the pockets of their giving parents. For just £2.50, they have a choice of sandwiches, soup, or pizza/sausage rolls. Made in house at number eighteen, and maintaining the emphasis on fresh, seasonal, and locally sourced, the school lunch is a ‘one to watch’. We even throw in a drink for free.... in these tough economic times, who wouldn’t want that?! Unfortunately parents, this one is just for the kids – a bit of a ‘PGL’ with regard to lunch!
A date for the diaries..... not long left now until Valentine’s Day.... For all you romantics out there, or just if you fancy eating out that weekend, the brasserie is doing a special, limited offer on drinks the WHOLE weekend leading up to (and including) Valentine’s Day. Full a la carte menu available – which I might add is our brand new Spring Menu 2011. But in addition to this tasty new treat in store, number eighteen will pay the VAT on all your drinks! So that means 20% off ALL your drinks for Friday 11th, Saturday 12th, and Monday 14th February. Why wouldn’t you.. pop on down!?
I think that’s all the news for this week. Being a big rugby fan, I would like to emphasise the fact that the internationals are fast approaching – why not pop to number eighteen for a relaxing drink post match this weekend! The bar is cosy, relaxing, and very welcoming – even if commiserations are in store! Fingers crossed, it’ll be celebrations all round! And if you’re hungry, we’re still doing Steak’n’beer night on Fridays, so pop down for a bite to eat, a beer (or glass of wine), and a good post-match de-brief... analysing where it all needs improving!
Hopefully see you soon... the team eagerly awaits your visit! Until next time, big love all xx
For the gents around town.... fear not, we’ve got our thinking caps on and we’re working on a boys night too!!! Keep your eyes peeled for more information. As soon as it’s been finalised, it’ll be posted on here, and on our website – www.number-eighteen.com. It’s going to have to match ladies night – we don’t want either side let down!
Sunday Lunch has also picked up momentum, and this Sunday we almost had a full house. It was great to see families, couples, friends – all pop in for a coffee, and leave with full tummies and plenty of flattering compliments regarding the brasserie performance. Some have even booked to come back next week!!! If you don’t believe us, pop down for yourself to sample the homely deliciousness that is, the number eighteen Sunday lunch. 12noon – 4pm! Even if you don’t fancy having roast dinner, there are plenty other options available – the FULL brasserie menu in fact. So don’t miss out, pop down for a feast!
This week, number eighteen café has launch its new School Lunch campaign. We are hoping that this will satisfy both the hungry mouths of our young townsfolk, but also the pockets of their giving parents. For just £2.50, they have a choice of sandwiches, soup, or pizza/sausage rolls. Made in house at number eighteen, and maintaining the emphasis on fresh, seasonal, and locally sourced, the school lunch is a ‘one to watch’. We even throw in a drink for free.... in these tough economic times, who wouldn’t want that?! Unfortunately parents, this one is just for the kids – a bit of a ‘PGL’ with regard to lunch!
A date for the diaries..... not long left now until Valentine’s Day.... For all you romantics out there, or just if you fancy eating out that weekend, the brasserie is doing a special, limited offer on drinks the WHOLE weekend leading up to (and including) Valentine’s Day. Full a la carte menu available – which I might add is our brand new Spring Menu 2011. But in addition to this tasty new treat in store, number eighteen will pay the VAT on all your drinks! So that means 20% off ALL your drinks for Friday 11th, Saturday 12th, and Monday 14th February. Why wouldn’t you.. pop on down!?
I think that’s all the news for this week. Being a big rugby fan, I would like to emphasise the fact that the internationals are fast approaching – why not pop to number eighteen for a relaxing drink post match this weekend! The bar is cosy, relaxing, and very welcoming – even if commiserations are in store! Fingers crossed, it’ll be celebrations all round! And if you’re hungry, we’re still doing Steak’n’beer night on Fridays, so pop down for a bite to eat, a beer (or glass of wine), and a good post-match de-brief... analysing where it all needs improving!
Hopefully see you soon... the team eagerly awaits your visit! Until next time, big love all xx
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Happy Thursday!!!
Happy Thursday All!!!!!
Just to give you a quick update of life here at number eighteen....
January has seen the launch of our Sunday lunch, which has been hugely successful! Sunday lunch is a brasserie offering, which runs in the upstairs restaurant from 12noon until 4pm every Sunday now for the foreseeable future! Last Sunday we almost had a full house which was fantastic. But, fear not, you don’t just have to have Sunday roast for dinner – the FULL brasserie menu is available too – and if you’re not feeling super hungry, why not try one of our delicious starters for a quick bite – or even a junior 18 portion!
As well as this new venture, number eighteen brasserie & bar have launched the New Year calendar with the promotion of our very first Ladies Night, which will take place on Thursday 27th January. This is set to become a monthly feature in the restaurant, so hurry up ladies and book those tables quick – January is already 75% booked, so not many tables left. The Ladies Night offers a set menu to all ladies, with 2 courses going for £15.95, and 3 courses for £21.95. In addition, because we have a swanky new bar that we just love to see spilling over with people, we are offering you 15% off ALL cocktails ALL night! Why wouldn’t you???? So even if you’re not that hungry, but fancy a good night out with your girlfriends, pop down for a chinwag and a cheeky Cosmopolitan – Nash will be happy to see your smiling faces, and he’ll be even happier to serve you your favourite tipple!
The café saw an incredible first week in January! But with schools back to the normal routine, and our regulars all back at work, it’s steadily ticking over for the moment. However, that’s not to say that they’re having an easy ride.... We’re up to our eyes with work regarding our outside catering. We have take-away buffets flying out of the kitchen, which therefore means our chefs are kept on their toes, and the office staff promptly following at the heel, kept busy organising! In addition to this, number eighteen café has recently embarked upon a more extensive retail offering. Did you know that you can now pre-order cakes for special occasions?! Or even just because you fancy having a great tasty cake for pudding that night??? Please don’t hesitate to ask the friendly staff for further details.... all we ask is if it’s for a special occasion, therefore if the cake requires particular decoration, we need about a weeks’ notice to get it all done!
Furthermore, due to the success of our festive hampers, number eighteen café manager Gaby, has decided to keep this element of retail available for you! Should you require that ‘different’ kind of gift for someone, or a gift for an occasion, or just to cheer someone up, Gaby is happy to arrange the hamper that suits you! Hampers therefore are not specific set prices, but rather arranged to suit your needs. This means, more flexibility, and less fuss... and NO STRESS for you!!!
To finish, I would like to remind you all that the Steak’n’beer night is staying at the brasserie! Friday nights have been fabulous for the last couple of weeks.... it’s great to see happy smiling faces, enjoying the local produce, in our great contemporary surroundings. So grab your coats on Friday evening, from 6pm, pop in for your steak for £9.95 per person! BARGAIN!!!
That’s all for now folks... we hope you’re all doing well, and look forward to seeing you here very soon! Big love all xxxx
Just to give you a quick update of life here at number eighteen....
January has seen the launch of our Sunday lunch, which has been hugely successful! Sunday lunch is a brasserie offering, which runs in the upstairs restaurant from 12noon until 4pm every Sunday now for the foreseeable future! Last Sunday we almost had a full house which was fantastic. But, fear not, you don’t just have to have Sunday roast for dinner – the FULL brasserie menu is available too – and if you’re not feeling super hungry, why not try one of our delicious starters for a quick bite – or even a junior 18 portion!
As well as this new venture, number eighteen brasserie & bar have launched the New Year calendar with the promotion of our very first Ladies Night, which will take place on Thursday 27th January. This is set to become a monthly feature in the restaurant, so hurry up ladies and book those tables quick – January is already 75% booked, so not many tables left. The Ladies Night offers a set menu to all ladies, with 2 courses going for £15.95, and 3 courses for £21.95. In addition, because we have a swanky new bar that we just love to see spilling over with people, we are offering you 15% off ALL cocktails ALL night! Why wouldn’t you???? So even if you’re not that hungry, but fancy a good night out with your girlfriends, pop down for a chinwag and a cheeky Cosmopolitan – Nash will be happy to see your smiling faces, and he’ll be even happier to serve you your favourite tipple!
The café saw an incredible first week in January! But with schools back to the normal routine, and our regulars all back at work, it’s steadily ticking over for the moment. However, that’s not to say that they’re having an easy ride.... We’re up to our eyes with work regarding our outside catering. We have take-away buffets flying out of the kitchen, which therefore means our chefs are kept on their toes, and the office staff promptly following at the heel, kept busy organising! In addition to this, number eighteen café has recently embarked upon a more extensive retail offering. Did you know that you can now pre-order cakes for special occasions?! Or even just because you fancy having a great tasty cake for pudding that night??? Please don’t hesitate to ask the friendly staff for further details.... all we ask is if it’s for a special occasion, therefore if the cake requires particular decoration, we need about a weeks’ notice to get it all done!
Furthermore, due to the success of our festive hampers, number eighteen café manager Gaby, has decided to keep this element of retail available for you! Should you require that ‘different’ kind of gift for someone, or a gift for an occasion, or just to cheer someone up, Gaby is happy to arrange the hamper that suits you! Hampers therefore are not specific set prices, but rather arranged to suit your needs. This means, more flexibility, and less fuss... and NO STRESS for you!!!
To finish, I would like to remind you all that the Steak’n’beer night is staying at the brasserie! Friday nights have been fabulous for the last couple of weeks.... it’s great to see happy smiling faces, enjoying the local produce, in our great contemporary surroundings. So grab your coats on Friday evening, from 6pm, pop in for your steak for £9.95 per person! BARGAIN!!!
That’s all for now folks... we hope you’re all doing well, and look forward to seeing you here very soon! Big love all xxxx
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Happy New Year to all from the team at number eighteen. What a Christmas we’ve had!!! It’s been a hectic few weeks down in the heart of Crickhowell throughout December. Despite the snow, our diligent customers still managed to make time for a quick coffee in the café, and a quick bite in the brasserie. On top of that, some even found a spare half an hour for a swift cocktail pre-dinner.
New Year’s Eve was a huge success both in the café and the brasserie & bar. During the day, the team barely hit the ground... they were running around all day enjoying the buzz from the visitors and locals alike. Plenty of people looking for warmth, and good food, and they all left with huge smiles on their faces.
For the brasserie, it was our debut New Year’s Eve, and I think it was a roaring success. The guests started arriving from 6.30pm..... after a cheeky aperitif in our cellar bar, they proceeded to the restaurant for a tantalisingly tasty 3 or 4 course meal. With smiles on all their faces, I was sure we’d made a success of the evening. From beginning to end, it was full of fun and festivities for all involved. As a team, we thoroughly enjoyed working the evening – and at 11.55pm we headed out onto the high street so ring in the New Year with all of Crickhowell’s party-goers. Fireworks on the street, and a glass of bubbly in hand, our guests and staff had a ball! A huge thanks to all who came, it was a pleasure to have had your company!
It must be said that through the busy weeks, it has been great to have our seasonal staff back! Thanks so much to Nonnie, Kate, Robyn, Tom, Alex, and Gethin for their return to the force. I addition, I must add a huge thanks to Polly – who has always been a great support to the core team in the café. The whole team has worked like a well-oiled machine, and for that I am very grateful, and inspired.
So...... what’s in store for 2011???? Well... we’ve decided to kick-start the year by upping the offering in the café. As of the 9th January, we will not only be offering the Sunday brunch till 12noon in the café, but from 12 noon, we will be giving you the chance to try our Sunday lunch offering. BRAND NEW to the concept, but ever endorsing our brand, who we are and what we stand for, the Sunday lunch will be locally sourced, seasonal & fresh! Why wouldn’t you????
The brasserie is also upping the game play, and as of Friday 7th January, you will be able book your table between 6-8pm, every Friday, and benefit from a ‘steak ‘n’ beer’, or glass of wine, for JUST £9.95! Why wouldn’t you?? We look forward to your visit.... book your table now on 01873 810337.
Our bar will, of course, be open to both compliment our brasserie offering, but also to satisfy the thirst of any passer-by who would like to sample our delightful cocktail menu. Be very aware of the Lynchburg lemonade...... it has a tendency to leave you with a contagious giggle.
On all other fronts, although tired from the busy few weeks, the team is ploughing on with their ideas for the future. Inspired by the success of our hampers and truffle sales over the festive period, number eighteen is continuing with the retail side of the operation. So, you’ll be delighted to hear that you can still purchase our coffee.. jams... truffles... and anything else you fancy! We are very accommodating and will endeavour to meet your needs.
So folks, I think that’s all I need to fill you in on..... A VERY VERY Happy New Year to you all. We at number eighteen are very much looking forward to seeing you all very soon. Big love all xxxxx
New Year’s Eve was a huge success both in the café and the brasserie & bar. During the day, the team barely hit the ground... they were running around all day enjoying the buzz from the visitors and locals alike. Plenty of people looking for warmth, and good food, and they all left with huge smiles on their faces.
For the brasserie, it was our debut New Year’s Eve, and I think it was a roaring success. The guests started arriving from 6.30pm..... after a cheeky aperitif in our cellar bar, they proceeded to the restaurant for a tantalisingly tasty 3 or 4 course meal. With smiles on all their faces, I was sure we’d made a success of the evening. From beginning to end, it was full of fun and festivities for all involved. As a team, we thoroughly enjoyed working the evening – and at 11.55pm we headed out onto the high street so ring in the New Year with all of Crickhowell’s party-goers. Fireworks on the street, and a glass of bubbly in hand, our guests and staff had a ball! A huge thanks to all who came, it was a pleasure to have had your company!
It must be said that through the busy weeks, it has been great to have our seasonal staff back! Thanks so much to Nonnie, Kate, Robyn, Tom, Alex, and Gethin for their return to the force. I addition, I must add a huge thanks to Polly – who has always been a great support to the core team in the café. The whole team has worked like a well-oiled machine, and for that I am very grateful, and inspired.
So...... what’s in store for 2011???? Well... we’ve decided to kick-start the year by upping the offering in the café. As of the 9th January, we will not only be offering the Sunday brunch till 12noon in the café, but from 12 noon, we will be giving you the chance to try our Sunday lunch offering. BRAND NEW to the concept, but ever endorsing our brand, who we are and what we stand for, the Sunday lunch will be locally sourced, seasonal & fresh! Why wouldn’t you????
The brasserie is also upping the game play, and as of Friday 7th January, you will be able book your table between 6-8pm, every Friday, and benefit from a ‘steak ‘n’ beer’, or glass of wine, for JUST £9.95! Why wouldn’t you?? We look forward to your visit.... book your table now on 01873 810337.
Our bar will, of course, be open to both compliment our brasserie offering, but also to satisfy the thirst of any passer-by who would like to sample our delightful cocktail menu. Be very aware of the Lynchburg lemonade...... it has a tendency to leave you with a contagious giggle.
On all other fronts, although tired from the busy few weeks, the team is ploughing on with their ideas for the future. Inspired by the success of our hampers and truffle sales over the festive period, number eighteen is continuing with the retail side of the operation. So, you’ll be delighted to hear that you can still purchase our coffee.. jams... truffles... and anything else you fancy! We are very accommodating and will endeavour to meet your needs.
So folks, I think that’s all I need to fill you in on..... A VERY VERY Happy New Year to you all. We at number eighteen are very much looking forward to seeing you all very soon. Big love all xxxxx
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